Word suggestions for. . .

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Beneath the layers there is only love or fear, choose love.
Self love is not just for valentines day.
Love doesn’t fix things, it transforms them. K.B.B.
Love trusts itself to find the right words without a rehearsal. K.B.B.
Love is like the wind, eternally present, waiting for a sail. K.B.B.

“All shall be well & all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well for there is a force of love moving through the universe that holds us fast and will never let us go.”
St. Julian of Norwich
Love is being for someone or something. Love is never against anything. K.B.B.


Let your heart guide you, it whispers, so listen closely.
The Heart must have it’s time in snow, to rest in silence and then grow.
All paths lead nowhere, so it is important to choose a path with Heart.
There is no better exercise for the Heart than reaching down and lifting up someone who has fallen.

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Love and hearts .png

Kind Heart.
You make my heart sing.
Friendship gives wings to the heart
Angels fly directly to the heart of the matter.
The heart never breaks from loving, it melts. K.B.B.
The heart is filled by giving, never emptied by it. K.B.B.
We believe loving can break our hearts. . . What a lie! . . .
It only cracks the hardness so life can enter in again. K.B.B.

K.B.B. Known to his friends as Brad Brown. Co-Founder of the More to Life Training. https://moretolife.org